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Code of Conduct
06 Aug 2013
A wee reminder to all players and officials about their conduct during matches and afterwards. This is also being promoted on the East of Scotland Website.
Code of conduct
1 The Captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the spirit of the game as well as within the Laws..
2 It is the responsibility of each Club to acquaint their officials and players with the appropriate Codes of Conduct.
3 Players and team officials shall not at any time engage in conduct unbecoming which could bring them or the game into disrepute.
The offences set out below are Level 1 Offences.
The penalty for a Level 1 offence shall be an official reprimand.
1.1 Abuse of cricket equipment or clothing, ground equipment or fixtures and fittings
1.2 Showing dissent at an umpire’s decision
1.3 Using language or a gesture that is obscene, offensive or insulting
1.4 Excessive appealing
1.5 Pointing or gesturing towards the pavilion by a bowler or other member of the fielding side upon the dismissal of a batsman.
1.6 Public criticism of, or inappropriate comment on, a match-related incident or any player, match official or team, irrespective of when such criticism or inappropriate comment is made
1.7 Where the facts of the alleged incident are not adequately or clearly covered by any of the above offences, conduct that either (a) is contrary to the spirit of the game, or (b) brings the game into disrepute.
Level 2
The penalty for a Level 2 offence shall be a ban of not more than 5 weeks.
Level two offences are often a scale up from level 1 – eg showing SERIOUS dissent. Additional ones include the following.
2.3 Inappropriate and deliberate physical contact between players in the course of play
2.4 Charging or advancing towards the umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing
2.5 Deliberate and malicious distraction or obstruction on the field of play
2.6 Throwing a ball (or any other item of cricket equipment such as a water bottle) at or near a player, umpire, official or spectator in an inappropriate and/or dangerous manner.
Level 3
The offences set out below are Level 3 offences.
The penalty for a Level 3 offence shall be a ban of not less than 5 weeks and not more than 12 months
3.1 Intimidation of an umpire whether by language or conduct (including gestures)
3.2 Threat of assault on an another player, team official, match official or spectator
3.3 Engaging in any conduct (whether through the use of language, gestures or otherwise) which is likely to offend, insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten, disparage or vilify any reasonable person in the position of a player, team official, umpire, match official or any other person including a spectator on the basis of that person’s race, religion, gender, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin.
Level 4
The offences set out below are Level 4 offences.
The penalty for a Level 4 offence shall be a ban of not less than 10 weeks up to a maximum of a life ban
4.1 Threat of assault of an umpire
4.2 Physical assault of another player, team official, umpires, match official or spectator
4.3 Any act of violence on the field of play.
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