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Tranent and Preston Village Cricket Club News story

Tranent & District Midweek Cricket League

17 Nov 2014

Tranent & District Midweek Cricket League

Rules 2015


1. A maximum of 9 sides will be admitted entry to the league.

2. Each side will be required to play 2 matches per evening over 12 evenings in the summer of 2015.

3. Games being played on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evening. All at the Tranent Cricket Ground, Meadowmill.

4. Three games will be played each evening. Game 1 will commence at 6pm, Game 2 will commence at 6:50 and Game 3 will commence at 7:40pm. (Timings for Games 2 and 3 are approximate.)

5. League dates will be as follows;

4thMayTeams ABC

5thMayTeams DEF

6thMayTeams GHI

thMayTeams ADG

12thMayTeams BEH

13thMayTeams CFI

18thMayTeams AEI

19thMayTeams BFG

20thMayTeams CDH

thMayTeams AFH

28thMayTeams BDI

29thMayTeams CEG

1stJuneTeams ABC

2ndJuneTeams DEF

3rdJuneTeams GHI

thJuneTeams ADG

9thJuneTeams BEH

10thJuneTeams CFI

15thJuneTeams AEI

16thJuneTeams BFG

17thJuneTeams CDH

ndJuneTeams AFH

23rdJuneTeams BDI

24thJuneTeams CEG

27thJulyTeams ABC

28thJulyTeams DEF

29thJulyTeams GHI

rdAugustTeams ADG

4thAugustTeams BEH

5thAugustTeams CFI

10thAugustTeams AEI

11thAugustTeams BFG

12thAugustTeams CDH

thAugustTeams AFH

18thAugustTeams BDI

19thAugustTeams CEG


1. Points will be awarded for each game. These being as follows;

· 5 points for a win (including defaulted victory)

· 3 Points for a drawn game

· 2 points for a weather cancelled game

· 1 point for a loss

· 0 points for a conceded game


2. The game results and statistics must be submitted before each Friday following the games. Failure to do so may result in a points deduction. Results and scoring details should be emailed to tranentcc@gmail.com

 3. Tranent Cricket Club will retain the responsibility for updating the league table.


Playing Conditions

1. Each team shall be composed of six players.

2. Each team shall bowl six eight-ball overs. All players must bowl one over with the exception of the wicket-keeper. Should the wicketkeeper decide not to bowl their over may be bowled by one of the other players.

3. All six batsmen/women may complete their innings. If a team loses five wickets, the last bat remaining can stay in (i.e. teams can lose up to six wickets), but the last bat out must remain as non-striker, and can be run out

4. Fast bowling is not prohibited, but if the umpire considers that it is intimidating, particularly against inexperienced bats(wo)men, he/she is at liberty to ask the bowler to slow down.

5. The team scoring most runs wins the match. In the event of a tie, the team losing fewer wickets wins. If the runs and wickets are level, a draw will be declared.

6. Any player scoring 25 runs or over shall be retired- out. This means that they cannot bat again should all other team members be out before the end of the overs available. If a player wishes to retire before reaching 25, they may bat again after all other players are out until they score 25.

7. Wides or no-balls will have a two run penalty but will not be bowled again.

8. All overs will be bowled from the same end. Bowling may be under arm although over arm is to be encouraged.

9. Except for the above, the normal laws of cricketapply. Teams (especially umpires and captains) will be expected to have a working knowledge of these.

10. Players wearing spikes on the artificial strip will be requested to leave the game. Rubber studs are acceptable.

11. Teams must be ready to play at the time specified. Teams not ready at the time specified shall, if the opposition is ready, be deemed to have lost the toss. Teams not ready five minutes after the specified start time shall concede five runs to the opposition, if they are ready. Teams not ready ten minutes after the specified start time shall concede ten runs to the opposition, if they are ready. Teams not ready fifteen minutes after the start time shall forfeit the match.

12. Teams are expected to play within a spirit of friendly competition, recognising that some opponents will be playing purely for fun. Players should not argue with the umpires. The decision of the organisers shall be final in the event of any dispute.

Umpiring/ Scoring

1. Tranent Cricket Club will supply umpires and scorers for the first 4 weeks of competition. After this it is anticipated the non-playing team will supply 2 umpires and one scorer.

2. Tranent Cricket Club will organise a pre-season evening to cover umpiring and scoring. Each team should send at least one representative to this evening.



1. Tranent Cricket Club will issue prizes as appropriate at the end of the season.

Teams are encouraged to be of mixed sex. 
Playing and safety equipment will be provided by Tranent Cricket Club.
Players should be aged 12 years and over.
The competition is primarily aimed at junior and beginner players.